Awe and Wonder


We’ve made it through another day, friends. Minute by minute, project by project, nap by nap.
We take it one text at a time.
One video chat at a time.
One bite (mouthful?) of chocolate at a time.
If you know anything about me and my Enneagram 4-ness, you know that I can set up camp in the deepest of deep emotions to the point of sloth-like movement going nowhere in particular.
It’s helpful for me to know that one of the best ways for me to keep from getting swallowed up by my worst case scenario worries is to take actions that don’t require my emotions be “perfect” for me to feel better.
Clean out the junk drawer(s).
Vacuum the little slot in the dryer where the lint screen goes.
Transplant a tree.

Little by little, the waters clear and I feel excited about something again.
Like finishing the series of paintings I started a couple of months ago and going outside to enjoy the rain turned sun turned rain again.
Awe and wonder are never too far out of reach even if normalcy is.


Perfectionism Gives Power to the Wrong Things.


Two Truths