Decide First

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In December I made an intentional decision every day. Boyhowdy was it an eye opening experience! Lest you think I made big decisions, know that there was one day when my decision was to not force myself to make a decision that day and after three days over Christmas of totally forgetting about it, my decision was to be totally okay with having forgotten. That felt good.

For some of you, decisions come easy. They do for me. Eventually. I mean, after laboring, overthinking, researching, doubting, looking for gurus, waffling, avoiding, and finally getting sick of all that, THEN they come easy. I can think of two dozen issues I’ve been weighed down by the past few years that would have been much less oppressive had I made more clear decisions about them a lot sooner. This is why my mantra for 2020 is DECIDE. Oh the freedom!

My point is that I’ve discovered something profound already:
1. Decisions don’t have to mean something actually is going to happen. For me, some of the most important decisions are the ones that release me from thinking about something until I’m ready to DO something about it.
2. Decisions can be made long before Life sends you what you need for them to happen. In fact, I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that decisions have to be made FIRST in order for a space to be carved out in your heart for Life to fill with what you’ve asked for.


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