Stephanie Lee Art

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What Results Are You Wanting To Create?

Can you tell me about results? What I mean by that is we all have these sort of unfulfilled ideas, hurdles we want to get over, limitations we think are holding us back so I want to know what is on the other side of all those that makes them worth going through?

What would be the results you would experience/create/enjoy if none of the things that feel in your way were in your way anymore?

Do you have it clearly defined?

This is something I’ve been defining for myself and I am connecting with these amazing surges of energy as I realize that my results capital R are as much for those I get to be in relationships with as much as they are for me. So, for real, if you could put your finger on one thing that feels like a barrier to your full creative expression - and if you could identify what results you would have with that barrier gone - what are those results? What would be happening then that isn’t happening now? What would be different or new? I’d love it if you’d share them with me.