Being Stuck Doesn't Look Like What You Think It Does


Being “stuck” doesn’t always look like not making the work you want to make. It doesn’t always look like not having time or not knowing what you’re next step is.
Being stuck can also look like:
- Cranking out work at a feverish pace to use productivity to prove yourself (to yourself).
- Setting a deadline for yourself so that you can avoid addressing the thoughts that you have that make you believe you need a deadline (to finally launch your course.)
- Insisting that you don’t want to create art just for money all the while wrestling with what to charge for your work. (Too much? Will people buy it? Too little? Will people value it?)

Being creatively stuck mostly looks like a lot of busy work and action taking. A whole heckuva lot and it can be as deceptively invigorating as it is exhausting. It’s just as much doing and not feeling aligned as it is NOT doing and not feeling aligned. The freedom lies in the alignment. Not in the actions you take.

You want to wave a magic wand (i.e. take an action) to get unstuck, that’s fine. But know that if it leads to your freedom, it’s not because of the action itself. It’s because something changed in your mind.

This is what I help my mentoring clients know deep in their bones and this is what The Unstuck Artist course offers. Registration is open and the course starts October 28th. Are you in?

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