Awakening Suffocated Dreams


I’ve suffocated three lifetime’s worth of dreams and ideas because just past the ideas stage is the question of how to make it happen. That is where I’d hit the big, noisy, thick, impossible unknown.

How to make something happen is never the right question even (and especially) when it feels like the only question that matters. How to manufacture serendipity and alignment is not a thing that can be figured out from a headspace of believing you don’t know what to do next.

I sounds all woo and contradictory and maybe you’re even tired of being told that all you have to do is just trust and everything will magically happen for you. (Me too.) I mean, you’re going to eventually have to DO something but what you actually DO about your dreams isn’t discovered in the struggle to figure that out. It’s revealed in the ways you feel stuck all the while defending the stuckness.

👏🏻It’s easy to say you’re stuck. It’s harder to be honest about what’s really going on in your thoughts so that you can actually DO something about being stuck.👏🏻

When are you going to decide to be one hundred percent on board with your creative expression?

—> Feeling stuck is proof that you aren’t on board.

Does that rub you the wrong way? If so, I want you to join me for The Unstuck Artist starting October 28th. I want to help you redefine your identity so that being stuck just isn’t part of it.

Until then, I invite you to question what I’ve shared here in the comments. Let’s talk.

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