Clarity + Direction Single Session

Clarity + Direction Single Session


This empowering session is the perfect help to get clear guidance right away as you grow into being the confidence artist you strive to be. This session is perfect for you if you have ideas of what you want to do + create but aren’t sure where to start or how to overcome some of the obstacles you’re experiencing. A LOT of clarity will happen in this session to set you down a path you’re excited about. You can book this session on an as-needed bases or you may discover that extending your mentoring relationship with me further is exactly what you need to make lasting growth as the artist you want to be - someone who confidently makes art that matters to you.

When you book your session, YOU WILL RECEIVE A PERSONAL EMAIL FROM ME WITHIN 48 HOURS TO SCHEDULE. Please make sure that the email address you use to purchase this mentoring package is a good contact email for you.

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