Stephanie Lee Art

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Adjusting the Meaning of Things

I got a notification today that my screen time for this past week was up 84%. Gulp. I’m going to be honest: my knee jerk reaction was to be ashamed of myself. I had all sorts of lightning speed thoughts about how much I fail even when I’m trying, even when I THINK I’m doing much better in some area I’ve been intentional about shifting.

Then I realized that I’ve been shooting online course videos this week and THAT’S why my screen time is up. 🤦🏻‍♀️

For every minute I’m shooting video, my phone is keeping track of my screen being on. I had unconsciously decided that an “up” in screen time was automatically a failure. My desire to decrease my screen time was to be more focused on productivity and creating things I want to create which, in this case, is exactly why my screen time was UP!

Sometimes what you make something mean, isn’t what it actually means. Sometimes the thing you think is an indicator of failure is actually sending a totally different message. Sometimes you actually ARE making great strides in the areas you’re trying to improve and it’s just a matter of adjusting the meanings you’ve attached to the little indicators along the way.