Making Room for Delight
Notes from the hermitage…
Today there is sun and paint and peanut butter cookies.
Today there is a wooden door being built outside by a man who builds things for people.
Today I asked Siri about the lifespan of the birds we were seeing in the yard and was amazed to discover that an American Robin can live as long as 14 years and that certain species of woodpeckers can live as long as 30.
Last Friday, Vince and I were wound up so tight that the fact that we didn’t snap at each other was a miracle. I’d like to think that we’ve grown a lot in the past few years since last Friday.
Today he and I kiss and make jokes and FaceTime a grand daughter and he says the same thing to her that he says whenever he sees her: “Sailor! Who does your hair?” And she replies the same way she has since she could say the words “Momma”.
Today there will be a long nap for me and later, a video call with beloveds who are indescribably radiant sources of light and hope for me in the world.
When I get out of the trauma of the past and the fear of the future, today is actually a pretty beautiful day.